Tuesday, September 22, 2009

WRC's Westward Expansion

WRC has experienced its own westward expansion! We've moved from the Emerald City of Sacramento to the rolling hills, small town feel of the San Ramon Valley.

While we are eternally grateful for the support Sacramento gave us and the amazing families we served in the playroom, for reasons great and small, The Well-Rounded Child has moved to the East Bay.

Many of you have asked where the new playroom will be and when will workshops begin again...the short answer is that it's all in the works! While we can't yet say when we'll reopen our doors, we can share with you some of the exciting "expansions" we're working toward.

An expanded vision of our work.

Workshops and programs will have a deep focus on the sciences, arts, and mathematics. Children of all ages will 'do' science and math, explore their creative potential as artists, and integrate their real world experiences with the BIG ideas upon which science and mathematics are founded.

An expanded physical environment.

Our center will need a much larger space than the former location in Sacramento to accommodate the programs and workshops we aim to offer. Moreover, we would like to have a separate, but attached space for the Green Things Boutique for all of you who have shared that you like to touch and hold the items you wish to purchase.

An expanded community network.

A center of this size will require a significant amount of community support in the form of teachers, volunteers, an advisory board, and other center staff who will make the center hum and keep the activities flowing.

Moreover, as a non-profit organization, WRC will look to the community for continued grant opportunities, donations, and other avenues to fund our workshops, programs, and play. As part of our WRC community, we welcome your support - please feel free to contact us to share how you would like to contribute to our vision.


In the upcoming months, we'll share with you our growth as the vision and planning for the center grow and develop.

We are very excited to offer the San Ramon Valley a wonderful community space - a center for creative Earth play!