Supporting Local Businesses
I recently read SN&R's article, Hard Times, from their Thursday, January 8th printing. Reading it was depressing and anxiety-provoking as it detailed that the worst may be yet to come. Truly, that is something we all probably know in our hearts...that unemployment, crime, homelessness, drug use, foreclosures....all the ugly parts of communities and cities will get worse before they get better.
With all this negativity in the forefront, what's a small business owner to do? Support and promote local, of course! Here in Sacramento, there are some great folks making it a better place to live--people who are creative, innovative, and have a vision for a different kind of small urban city--one that is hip and culturally distinctive, appeals to a wide variety of people, and is forward thinking. I'm talking about the businesses owners and organizations that see a brighter future for Sacramento, and these are the folks I would like to recognize.
Following are some of my favorite businesses in Sacramento, because they truly are the change agents we need to become a destination on the map, and for us all to survive in these turbulent times. Whatever your favorite businesses are, support them....they need you to keep their doors open, and we collectively need them to ensure the bright future we're all fighting for. (For those of you who read this from cities far from Sacramento, the message is the same to you....spend your money in your locale. Invest your time and efforts in the programs, businesses, and organizations that make your city special and are important in keeping the spirit of your city alive.) - Not only a great website to find fun things to do in Sacramento, but Midtowngrid has so much more to offer....from their blog, newsletter and maps, to their mixers and sponsored events, this company is a wonderful "central hub" for business, community, and culture.
State of the Earth - Do you have a pest company spray your yard each month? Well, you can stop that nonsense and try State of the Earth! They offer programs that nurture the entire soil-plant ecosystem in your yard instead of annihilate it, which is what most of us have been doing to our yards with the pesticides and herbicides we use to "control" the organisms we see as pesky and troublesome. (Ever heard of Monsanto? If you use Roundup in your yard, you've heard of them. They are, in just a few words, trying to take over the world of agribusiness. Their tale is a chilly one....more on them later.)
Initially, we tried State of the Earth because I was concerned about the health of my then small child, who had reached the age where yard exploration was a daily part of his learning. He was virtually sitting in the sand, digging in the dirt, and pulling off leaves and fruit from all the plants in our yard. After a bit o research, I was horrified to find out what is in all the chemicals we used on our lawns and around the yard to "control" pests and weeds...neurotoxins, carcinogens...the list goes on and on. Around that time I happened to be shopping at my favorite building supply store, Green Sacramento, purchasing paint, I believe, when I came across a flyer about them and snatched it up.
And the rest is history, as they say. We have been using them for about 2.5 years now. Do we still have "pests" in our yard? Well, yes, but I have come to learn that some of the pests are actually very important to the health of my yard, such as ants and spiders. We don't get ants in the house...they enjoy marching along in their little lines in both my back and front yards, helping to breakdown the organic matter from our trees and shrubs. And the spiders? Well, we just scoop up the ordinary house spiders we find and put them back outside. They have done a nice job of creating a protective "shield" (aka spider webs) around our house and gobbling up the real pesky insects in our yard. We even allowed a black widow to keep her corner home in our front yard as long as she followed house venturing more than 2 inches beyond her little exceptions! Every now and then I give the spiders a few hours’ warning before I blast the most visible webs away from our doorways with water, but the rest get to stay.
Brown Bag Botanicals - This woman-owned business is a God send to many a new mother (or any woman for that matter!) who is battling, or launching a preventative battle, against dry skin, stretch marks, and general skin issues. The owner, Christine Trice, is a super mom and super business woman...nurturing, hip, and forward thinking, she's a dynamo and a great asset to our Sacramento business community. I love all her products, but her new Whip Body Scrub is the most fabulous sugar scrub you'll ever use...I swear by it!
GreenBuilt - They are exactly what their name says...a green builder. President Scott Blunk is an amazing individual with an extremely diverse background and a lot to offer Sacramento. It's no wonder that his company continues to grow and thrive even in this less than stellar economy. His vision, knowledge, and "earth-friendliness" top any builder I've ever known, and plus, his team are honest folks. (I know, one does not often associate "builder" with "honesty," but in the case of GreenBuilt, it's true!) We are working with them on building a studio in our backyard, and I have found Randy Rosalex to be innovative and budget conscious.
Green Sacramento - If you shop exclusively at those large "home improvement" stores you're really missing out on a Sacramento gem. Green Sacramento, owned by Josh Daniels, offers green products for residential and commercial decorating, renovating, and building. They have earth- friendly options for any project big or small. We have bought quite a bit of paint from them, as well as wood stains and waxes, and perused samples for bigger projects, like countertops, flooring, and cabinetry. Yes, green products are a bit more expensive in the short run, but I'd like to think that I'm saving lots of money on doctor bills and improving the overall health of our home, because our home is free from chemicals and toxins that could make us really sick. (You know how you get a headache when painting with traditional interior paint...that's because you are breathing in nasty chemicals! Case in point....the "career" painter who painted the interior of my parent's home a few years ago, died in his early 50s guessed it, brain cancer! I'm no expert of course, but you can see where I'm going with this story.)
Sacramento Co-Op -This grocery store is where we do 90% of our shopping in the fall and winter months, and about 50% in spring and summer. (The remainder at local farmers' markets, of course!) They have the largest selection of organic foods, health care products, and general home goods that meet my seal of approval. Plus, I like the idea of buying fruits and veggies from local farms. In the winter months when all they can get are bananas from Mexico, we just go without. And this brings me to another reason why I like the Co-Op...they try to offer foods that are seasonally appropriate, meaning that they are the fruits and veggies that are harvested during a particular time of year. That means we are supporting local farmers and our own economy, and that is a good thing!
Gluten Free Specialty - My son calls this his "candy store," and others with gluten sensitivities will agree. For folks with gluten, wheat, and even casein sensitivities or intolerances, this is the place to shop! Owner Melanie Weir is fast on her feet to order products you are seeking, but have not been able to find, and she does an amazing job of providing a variety of goods from chewing gum and gummy bears, to pasta and baking mixes. One of my recent favorites is the portabella mushroom ravioli...delish!
The Green Boheme - They create raw vegan delights that even the most skeptical eater will love. Chef Brooke offers classes, talks, and demonstrations to share her love of organic, local foods with folks interested in raw vegan gourmet goodness and improving overall health. Currently, they are looking for a larger space to serve their patrons, so we're all waiting will bells on for them to re-open!
With all this negativity in the forefront, what's a small business owner to do? Support and promote local, of course! Here in Sacramento, there are some great folks making it a better place to live--people who are creative, innovative, and have a vision for a different kind of small urban city--one that is hip and culturally distinctive, appeals to a wide variety of people, and is forward thinking. I'm talking about the businesses owners and organizations that see a brighter future for Sacramento, and these are the folks I would like to recognize.
Following are some of my favorite businesses in Sacramento, because they truly are the change agents we need to become a destination on the map, and for us all to survive in these turbulent times. Whatever your favorite businesses are, support them....they need you to keep their doors open, and we collectively need them to ensure the bright future we're all fighting for. (For those of you who read this from cities far from Sacramento, the message is the same to you....spend your money in your locale. Invest your time and efforts in the programs, businesses, and organizations that make your city special and are important in keeping the spirit of your city alive.)

Initially, we tried State of the Earth because I was concerned about the health of my then small child, who had reached the age where yard exploration was a daily part of his learning. He was virtually sitting in the sand, digging in the dirt, and pulling off leaves and fruit from all the plants in our yard. After a bit o research, I was horrified to find out what is in all the chemicals we used on our lawns and around the yard to "control" pests and weeds...neurotoxins, carcinogens...the list goes on and on. Around that time I happened to be shopping at my favorite building supply store, Green Sacramento, purchasing paint, I believe, when I came across a flyer about them and snatched it up.
And the rest is history, as they say. We have been using them for about 2.5 years now. Do we still have "pests" in our yard? Well, yes, but I have come to learn that some of the pests are actually very important to the health of my yard, such as ants and spiders. We don't get ants in the house...they enjoy marching along in their little lines in both my back and front yards, helping to breakdown the organic matter from our trees and shrubs. And the spiders? Well, we just scoop up the ordinary house spiders we find and put them back outside. They have done a nice job of creating a protective "shield" (aka spider webs) around our house and gobbling up the real pesky insects in our yard. We even allowed a black widow to keep her corner home in our front yard as long as she followed house venturing more than 2 inches beyond her little exceptions! Every now and then I give the spiders a few hours’ warning before I blast the most visible webs away from our doorways with water, but the rest get to stay.

Sacramento Co-Op -This grocery store is where we do 90% of our shopping in the fall and winter months, and about 50% in spring and summer. (The remainder at local farmers' markets, of course!) They have the largest selection of organic foods, health care products, and general home goods that meet my seal of approval. Plus, I like the idea of buying fruits and veggies from local farms. In the winter months when all they can get are bananas from Mexico, we just go without. And this brings me to another reason why I like the Co-Op...they try to offer foods that are seasonally appropriate, meaning that they are the fruits and veggies that are harvested during a particular time of year. That means we are supporting local farmers and our own economy, and that is a good thing!

The Green Boheme - They create raw vegan delights that even the most skeptical eater will love. Chef Brooke offers classes, talks, and demonstrations to share her love of organic, local foods with folks interested in raw vegan gourmet goodness and improving overall health. Currently, they are looking for a larger space to serve their patrons, so we're all waiting will bells on for them to re-open!
There are other businesses, to be sure, but these are the ones of which I think the most highly. And to find them, just go on to ... most of them are there!
To your health and wellness...
Labels: businesses, earth-friendly, green, local, Sacramento, support
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